Will you help support our walk for more water?

Every day, countless women and/or children in Africa embark on long, arduous journeys just to collect water for their families. This isn't just a daily chore-it's a barrier to education, health, and opportunities. Your compassion can make a profound difference.

By contributing to the construction of water wells, you empower these women with the gift of time and the promise of a brighter future. Imagine the joy of a mother who no longer has to choose between her children's education and their basic needs. Your heartfelt donation can transform these daily struggles into stories of hope and resilience. Please give today, and together, let's build a path to a better tomorrow.

I would like to register to walk to help my fellow Kenyans to have the gift of safe water. (Donation: 1,000 kes/walker)

Lipa na M-Pesa:
Paybill No. 247247
A/C No: 254432

Alternatively you may deposit a check to:
Equity Account: More Water 4 Kenya
A/C No: 0440277415362

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